BONUS: The Masturbuilders Pt. 1, ft. Jimmy Smith


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Some of the topics mentioned in this episode:

The Architecture of Happiness by Alain de Botton

Between Silence and Light: Spirit in the Architecture of Louis Kahn by John Lobell

– Frank Gehry

Frank Lloyd Wright

George Costanza, Architect

Mister Ed

The Brady Bunch

– 500 Days of Summer

– Jungle Fever

Louis Kahn

Giuseppe Terragni

The Danteum

– Albert Speer

– Thomas Jefferson

The Divine Comedy

On Writing and Failure by Stephen Marche

Philip Metres

– Viktor Frankl

Santiago Calatrava Valls

– The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum


– Taliesin

– Le Corbusier (Sometimes my dad calls him Corbu because he’s hip and in the know)

– Zaha Hadid

Claude Levi-Strauss

– Ferdinand de Saussure

– Jacques Derrida

– Michelangelo

– Alexander Pope

The Dunciad by Alexander Pope

– The Rape of the Lock by Alexander Pope

– Counterpart


The Magus by John Fowles

– Amit Majmudar

– Knives Out and Glass Onion

Hermann Goering


The Course of Love by Alain de Botton

Kiss & Tell by Alain de Botton

The Portrait of a Lady by Henry James

– Emily Dickinson Letter 459a (couldn’t find the full text online when I looked for it the second time)

Democracy and Poetry by Robert Penn Warren

Alice in the Looking Glass by A. E. Stallings

Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich Nietzsche

Blink by Malcolm Gladwell

A Distant Episode by Paul Bowles

Alice: Poetry Says

Brian: @BPlatzer

Cameron: CameronWTC [at] hotmail [dot] com

Matthew: sleerickets [at] gmail [dot] com

Music by ETRNL

Art by Daniel Alexander Smith

Other ratbag poetry podcasts:

I Hate Matt Wall



Ep 102: Cosmic Drop Bear Pt. 1, ft. Elijah Perseus Blumov


Ep 101: Lucky Ruins, ft. Stephen Marche