Ep 161: Handbook for the Recently Deceased Poet


The SLEERICKETS logo, a skeleton smoking a cigarette


NB3: Check out former guest Victoria Moul’s criticism of this episode here!

NB2: Speaking of Whoreywood, check out Matt Wall’s bananas unfinished memoir of making movies in Hollywood.

NB1: It turns out there is in fact some record of Heraclitus the poet, outside of Callimachus’ poem, but not much.

SLEERICKETS is a podcast about poetry and other intractable problems.

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Some of the topics mentioned in this episode:

– Material Witness: Remembering an Abiding Debt to Timothy Murphy by Maryann Corbett

Wildfire Season by Maryann Corbett

Timothy Murphy

Maryann Corbett

Alan Sullivan


– Aaron Poochigian

Alex Pepple

– Richard Wilbur

Quincy Lehr

Lin-Manuel Miranda

Champagne Sharks

The West Wing

Beowulf, trans. Seamus Heaney

– Breakfast at Brennan’s by Timothy Murphy

– Prison Chaplain by Timothy Murphy

The Failure by Timothy Murphy

– The Dead Poet by Timothy Murphy

The Drowned Immortal by Timothy Murphy

Only Poems

Paging Dr. Platzmouth

– The Stars Shine Without Me by Matt Cardin

Chris Childers

The Dowser’s Ear by Wilmer Mills (the poem, I think, that Stallings read in memory of Mills at the 2012 Sewanee Writers’ Conference)

Heraclitus by William Johnson Cory

Rachel Wetzsteon

Hart Crane

– Jay Wright

Frequently mentioned names:

Joshua Mehigan

Shane McCrae

A. E. Stallings

Ryan Wilson

Morri Creech

Austin Allen

Jonathan Farmer

Zara Raab

Amit Majmudar

Ethan McGuire

Coleman Glenn

Alexis Sears

JP Gritton

Alex Pepple

Ernie Hilbert

Joanna Pearson

Other Ratbag Poetry Pods:

Poetry Says by Alice Allan

I Hate Matt Wall by Matt Wall

Versecraft by Elijah Blumov

Ratbag Poetics By David Jalal Motamed

Alice: Poetry Says

Brian: @BPlatzer

Cameron: CameronWTC [at] hotmail [dot] com

Matthew: sleerickets [at] gmail [dot] com

Music by ETRNL

Art by Daniel Alexander Smith


Ep 162: The Train There’s No Getting Off, ft. Derek Mong


Ep 160: Part of the Problem