REPOST: Shane McCrae Interview, Pt. 1


NB: After I recorded the intro and edited the three parts together, Squarespace informed me that it couldn’t host the entire interview in one post, or even in two, so I’m breaking it back up into three pieces, which I’m posting here together.

I’m reading with George David Clark and Ryan Wilson at Loganberry Books on June 13, at 6:00 pm, hosted by Elijah Blumov.

My book Midlife now exists. Buy it here, or leave it a rating here or here

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Wear SLEERICKETS t-shirts and hoodies. They look good!

Some of the topics mentioned in this episode:

The Many Hundreds of the Scent by Shane McCrae

Cain Named the Animal by Shane McCrae

Stalker and Andrei Rublev by Andrei Tarkovsky

Patti Smith

– Wilfred Owen

– That time Elijah and I tried to scan a line

Timothy Steele

The Dream Songs by John Berryman

The Flowers of Evil by Charles Baudelaire

My most recent conversation with Alexis Sears

Wallace Stevens

The mini-issue of West Branch that Shane edited

Richard Howard

Ernest Hilbert


Eternal Champion


Of the Scythians by Katha Pollitt


That time Jesus drove the moneychangers out of the Temple

The Waste Land and The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock by T. S. Eliot

Coleman Glenn

Anthony Hecht



James Merrill

Alexander Pope

John Dryden

John Donne

Ethan McGuire

 The Madness of Hercules by Seneca, trans. Dana Gioia

Letters from a Stoic by Seneca

One Art by Elizabeth Bishop

High Windows by Philip Larkin

– Done on This Side by Joshua Mehigan

Grendel by John Gardner

– Lady Lazarus by Sylvia Plath

That time Abraham smashed a bunch of icons

That time the Taliban blew up a UNESCO World Heritage Site

Pulling the Chariot of the Sun by Shane McCrae

The Many Hundreds of the Scent by Shane McCrae

The SLRCKTS ep about the Toby Martinez de las Rivas controversy

From Titan/All Is Still by Toby Martinez de las Rivas

Black Sun by Toby Martinez de las Rivas

Floodmeadow by Toby Martinez de las Rivas

Cornel West

Christian Wiman

Jay Wright

Elizabeth Jennings

Simone Weil

Frequently mentioned names:

Joshua Mehigan

Shane McCrae

A. E. Stallings

Ryan Wilson

Morri Creech

Austin Allen

Jonathan Farmer

Zara Raab

Amit Majmudar

Ethan McGuire

Coleman Glenn

Alexis Sears

JP Gritton

Alex Pepple

Ernie Hilbert

Joanna Pearson

Other Ratbag Poetry Pods:

Poetry Says by Alice Allan

I Hate Matt Wall by Matt Wall

Versecraft by Elijah Blumov

Ratbag Poetics By David Jalal Motamed

Alice: Poetry Says

Brian: @BPlatzer

Cameron: CameronWTC [at] hotmail [dot] com

Matthew: sleerickets [at] gmail [dot] com

Music by ETRNL

Art by Daniel Alexander Smith


UNLOCKED: Shane McCrae Interview, Pt. 2


UNLOCKED Secret Show Ep: Paging Dr. Platzmouth